It never fails, each time we are out on an adventure with the pups, I always turn to the family and say “wouldn’t it be great if we had..”  So, because I am a nerd for pet gadgets, each time we take off on a new adventure I have something new and fun to try. I have kind of turned into the person that folks can ask “Hey have you tried this for the pets yet?” In either case, It is always good to be prepared, right?

Here are some of my favorite items and essentials I know you’ll love to take when going on an overnight adventure with the pups.

A long leash and a tie-out stake

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Is your pup a social butterfly? Or maybe they don’t have such a great recall when there are lots of sights, smells, and sounds? Remember to bring something to hook your pup’s long leash up to, such as a tie out stake. That way your pup can still be involved in the fun without wandering the area and getting into mischief.  Besides, depending on where your camping, the rules may be to have pets on a leash at all times. Having your pup on a long leash attached to a tie-out still abides by the rules.

Smaller pet? Try a water-resistant pet playpen

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Maybe you have a little dog and prefer your pup to be in a contained environment outside with you rather than being tied off on a stake. This pet playpen may be the way to go! It is water-resistant, so it doesn’t matter if your pup has already been into mischief and is a little damp, or if the weather decides to suddenly change on you. It is foldable too, so it’s super easy to pack!

Rest time! Here is an elevated folding pet bed

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This is a nice touch when camping. It gives your pup a chance to find a comfortable spot to chill out for a while! It folds up nicely like a folding chair, but if you don’t want to pack something like this, there are plenty of travel padded pet beds made out of sleeping bag type material so they are easy to clean. I prefer this one for my arthritic pooch. In fact, I have two at home!

Deet-free insect repellant

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Like with us, usually the mosquitos and other bugs are out to get our pets! When my poor pug is around, none of us have to worry about mosquitos because they love to flock to him! But wait- don’t reach for your insect repellant, DEET, the common chemical in insect repellant for humans, is not good for pets. Try a pet-safe insect repellant. Your pup will be grateful for not having to put up with bugs, either!

Have a fair-skinned dog? Try pet-safe sunscreen

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If you don’t need the bug spray, you will at least need the sunscreen! Did you know that light-colored pets can get sunburned? But don’t reach for your sunscreen- it contains chemicals that would be harmful if licked off. Place some pet-safe sunscreen on their nose and bellies to make sure they don’t get a sunburn! If your dog is sensitive to any skincare products or shampoos, check with your veterinarian first before applying.

No-rinse pet wipes

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These pet wipes are great for small messes your pet may have found along the way! Wipe the face, fanny, or paws and they are all set to go on their next adventure looking a little cleaner. For the time being anyway! I keep some of these in my emergency kit too. Never know when a spill will arise, or when someone gets sick!

Pet shower sprayer

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If the pet wipes are not doing the job and your pup really got into trouble, check out this pet shower sprayer- a nice portable way to give them a bath on the run. We would have really loved this when my husky found some dead fish to roll in! It will hook up to an RV or a campground water connection. It works with your hose at home too!

Travel pet food containers

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Who wants to lug around the big pet food bin, or the whole bag of pet food while camping? That’s just asking for someone to spill it while in transit or have one of the pets get into it when you’re not looking (been there, done that). Try some travel-sized pet food containers for when you are on the go. You can put the small food portions in them, and they double as food and water bowls too! And they are tamper-resistant.

LED lighted dog collar

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If you are walking the pooch around the campground, in the woods, or hanging around the dark campfire, it’s fun to have some extra light, so why not make the pup sport something fun? You can always keep tabs on where the dog is at in the dark!

GPS Pet tracker

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I really like to have an extra level of protection when out on adventures with the pets, especially overnight adventures. You can never be too careful! These trackers are great for both home and on the go- you can set “home zones” and get alerts when your pet is outside of their zone. Pull the app up on your smartphone and you will get a location and driving directions to get to them! Great when you are on the go and someone left the car door open, or if someone lost track of the pup at the campsite.

Dog waste bags

While these might not be new or very exciting, it’s a commonly forgotten item while camping. Don’t forget to pick up your dog’s mess, it’s rude not to! It is also one of the major reasons campgrounds are starting to crack down on dogs because people don’t clean up after their pets. Don’t be one of those people!

Include them in on the fun!

Make sure your pup stays out of trouble and entertained on your adventure. Why not include your pup in the frisbee game? Or bring their favorite ball or whatever toy they love.  While adventures are fun, sometimes it is a lot to take in for them so a familiar toy or game will help ensure they are having fun too. Whether it is camping, boating, hiking, or just enjoying the great outdoors in the summertime, it is always good to remember some fun little gadgets to make your life easier when bringing the pup. Get out there, and enjoy summer!

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