June is the start of Summer- are you and the pets ready?

0SHARES June is the start of summer in most areas of the world, and its also known as National Pet Preparedness Month!  People are generally most active in the summertime with road trips, camping, swimming, hiking/biking, and other fun activities for the warm weather season. Most of us involve our pets in those activities as […]

Beware: Indoor Plants- are they safe for your pet?

0SHARES Most of us enjoy the extra color and spice that indoor plants bring to our house and decorations.  Insert your pets in the mix with your plants, and there could be trouble!  Pets, especially dogs, cats, and rabbits, love to explore in, on, and around plants and sometimes even chew on them. Below is […]

Pet First Aid Kits: What goes in them?

0SHARES Let’s talk first aid kits for your pet! Much like people should have a first aid kit in their house, there should be one assembled for the pets as well. Although pet first aid kits can contain similar items to human first aid kits, they are still different enough to warrant having one around. […]

Pet Hair Solutions for You and Your Pet

0SHARES The most common annoyance with owning a pet is shedding. Every type of pet (with fur) does it! Short or long hair, it doesn’t matter, your pet will shed at some point during the year. If you have multiple pets in your household, shedding can be a nightmare when you want to keep a […]

Safe and Unsafe Human Snacks for Pets

As pet owners, we all have experienced it; you are in the kitchen preparing an amazing meal and your pups are watching you intently, hoping you are going to drop something soon, or maybe even share a little with them! And in my household, it’s not just the dogs begging, the sound of whipped cream […]